Fitness, Conditioning, Soccer Health
Player Tips
Useful resources for players from ATSC and from around the web
This section is for documents, links and information that are useful to ATSC players, a mix of FAQs and other useful information.
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Recommended Reading
Books and articles recommended by ATSC coaches

These are books and articles recommended by ATSC coaches. Unless otherwise noted, book descriptions are from (Buying these books by clicking these links to helps support ATSC.)
Please send your recommendations to

9 Critical Characteristics of Successful Soccer Athletes
Courtesy of the ATSC Pride ('91G)

9 Critical Characteristics you must have to be a successful soccer athlete!
By Jeremy Boone

Soccer has rapidly evolved into a quicker and faster game. Not only does it take excellent technical and tactical skills, but also a higher degree of athleticism in order to be a competitive player. Because of this increased level of play, there are great soccer players and there are great soccer athletes. Take for example Rivaldo,

Juggling Tips
By Larry Paul, a founding member of WAGS

Juggling is often viewed as the quickest method to acquire touch and ball mastery. It has become something of a benchmark that relates to skill. But what does it actually show? Is a player that can juggle 300 times twice as good as one that can only juggle 150? When practicing juggling what is the angle of the balls flight to the player? Straight down. Does this

Principles of Defense - from WUSA
Courtesy of the West Chester (PA) United Soccer Club

Principles of Defense
By Tony DiCicco
For all you young (and not so young) fans who watch the WUSA games, try to watch the teams as well as the players and take notice which side of the ball they are on. In the next two articles, I will describe the "Principles of Defense" and the "Principles of Attack." I think if you understand these principles a bit better, you will appreciate what the players are doing and understand why they are doing it. Then you will become a better player yourself.

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